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Earthquakes in areas outside Charleston, Jocassee and Monticello in 1999

Date(UTC) Hr  Min  Sec   Lat(N)    Lon(W)   Depth(km)   Mag   Q
 990405   14   52 39.56 34- 7.15  81- 6.53     0.11    1.48   C 
 990510   15   48 28.81 34-57.04  82-47.87     3.23    0.57   C
 990527   19   28  3.73 34-44.74  82- 3.89     3.00    2.37   C
 990916   20   43 58.46 35-00.19  82-43.83     1.90    0.25   D
 990922   20   14  4.92 34-59.12  82-24.01     4.91    2.32   D 
 990924    6   15 43.38 34-59.02  82-24.23     3.19    2.13   D 
 990930    4   37 21.15 35-00.00  82-19.93     1.43    2.30   C
 991030    8   57 26.82 35- 1.98  82-22.54     2.02    2.28   D 
 991030    9   10 19.94 34-59.18  82-20.38     0.43    1.78   D
 991122    3   46 45.86 34-53.42  82-22.47     2.50    1.96   D
 991208   15   21 38.37 34-10.77  81-19.30     9.13    0.57   C 
 991211   20    9 58.63 35- 0.32  82-20.18     0.39    1.90   B 

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